Sunday, 7 June 2020

Some top question of compound interest

Some question related to compound interest

-  Find the amount compounded annually on Rs 9,000 for 2 years if the rates of
interest for two years are 8 %b and 10 % respectively.

-  Find the compound interest compounded annually on Rs 1,00,000 for 3 years if
the rates of interest in the lirst, second and the third years are 4 %, 5 % and 7 %

-  Mr. Tharu borrowed a sum of Rs 1,00,000 from an Agricultural Bank for 3 years to
upgrade his poultry farming. The bank charged 5% interest compounded annually
for the first year and the rate of interest was gradually increased by 1% every year.
How much interest did he pay at the end of third year?

-  Simple interest on a sum of money for 2 years at 5% p.a. is Rs 960. Find the
compound interest on the same sum and at the same rate for 1 year, if the interest
is reckoned half-yearly.
-  A person paid Rs 6,200 compound interest on a certain sum of money that he
borrowed from a bank at 10% p.a. compounded annually for 1 years. Find the
compound interest on the same sum and at the same rate for the same period of
time, if the interest had to be paid semi-annually.

-The compound interest on the sum of money at 8 % p.a. for 2 years is more
than the simple interest on the same sum at the same rate for the same time by
Rs 76.80. Find the sum.

-  Harka Tamang borrowed a certain sum of money from Roshan Shrestha at the rate
of 9 % p.a. simple interest for 2 years. He immediately lent this money to Raju Jha
at the same rate of compound interest for the same period of time. If the interest
paid by Harka is Rs 243 less than the interest paid by Raju, calculate the sum.

-  If the compound interest on a sum of money compounded semi-annually in one
year at 5 % per annum is Rs 20 more than the compound interest on the same sum
compounded annually in the same time and at the same rate, find the sum.

-  The difference between the annual and semi-annual compound interest on a sum
of money is Rs 63 at the rate of 10 % per annum for 1 years. Find the sum.

-  If the sum of simple interest and compound interest at the rate of 8% p.a. for 2 years
is Rs 816, find the principal.

-  The compound interest of a certain sum for 2 years is Rs 738 and the simple interest
of the same sum for the same interval of time al the same rate of interest is Rs 720.
Find the sum and the rate of interest.

Hope you found  questions interesting
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Saturday, 6 June 2020





The term uveitis strictly means inflammation of the
uveal tissue only. However, clinically there is always
some associated inflammation of the adjacent
structures such as retina, vitreous, sclera and cornea.
Due to close relationship of the anatomically distinct
parts of the uveal tract, the inflammatory process
usually tends to involve the uvea as a whole.
I. Anatomical classification
1. Anterior uveitis. It is inflammation of the uveal
tissue from iris up to pars plicata of membrane .
It may be subdivided into:
• Iritis, in which inflammation predominantly
affects the iris.
Iridocyclitis during which iris and pars plicata a part of 
ciliary body are equally involved, and
• Anterior cyclitis, in which pars plicata part of
ciliary body is predominantly affected.

2. Intermediate uveitis. It includes inflammation of
the pars plana and peripheral a part of the retina and
underlying 'choroid! It is also called 'pars planitis
3. Posterior uveitis, It refers to inflammation of the
choroid (choroiditis). Almost always there i
associated inflammation of retina and hence the
term chorioretinitis' is used.
4. Panuveitis. It is inflammation of the whole uvea.
II. Clinical classification
1. Acute uveitis. It has got a sudden symptomatic
onset and the disease lasts for 3 months or less.
2. Chronic uveitis. It frequently has an insidious
and asymptomatic onset. It persists longer than 3
months and is usually diagnosed when it causes
defective vision.
3. Recurrent uveitis. This is characterised by repeated
episodes separated by inactive periods of >3
months without treatment.
III. Pathological classification
1. Suppurative or purulent uveitis.
2. Nonsuppurative uveitis. It has been further
subdivided into two groups (Wood's classification).
i. Nongranulomatous uveitis, and
ii. Granulomatous uveitis.
IV. Etiological (Duke Elder's) classification
1. Infective uveitis
2. Immune-related uveitis
3. Toxic uveitis
4. Traumatic uveitis
5. Uveitis associated with noninfective system
6. Idiopathic uveitis.

Despite a great deal of experimental research and
many sophisticated methods of investigations
etiology and immunology of the uveltis is still largefy
not understood. Even today, the cause of many
clinical conditions is disputed (remains presumptive)
and in many others etiology is unknown, The
etiological concepts of uveitis as proposed by Duke
Elder, in general, are discussed here,
1. Infective uveitis
In this, inflammation of the uveal tissue is induced
by invasion of the organisms. Uveal infections may
1. Exogenous infection wherein the infecting organisms
directly gain entrance into the attention from outside, It Can
occur following penetrating injuries, perforation of
corneal ulcer and postoperatively (after intraocular
operations), Such infections usually result in an
acute iridocyclitis of suppurative (purulent) nature,

which soon turns into endophthalmitis or even
Il. Secondary infection of the uvea occurs by spread
of infection from neighbouring structures, e.g.,
gonococcal), keratitis, scleritis, retinitis, orbital
te purulent conjunctivitis (pneumococcal and
ellulitis and orbital thrombophlebitis.
il. Endogenous infections are caused by the entrance
of organisms from some source of infection situated
elsewhere in the body, by way of the bloodstream.
Endogenous infections play important role in the
inflammations of uvea.
Types of infectious uveitis
Depending upon the causative organisms, the
infectious uveitis may be classified as follows:
i. Bacterial infections. These may be granulomatous,
e.g., tubercular, leprotic, syphilitic, brucellosis
or pyogenic such as streptococci,staphylococci,
pneumococci and gonococcus.
il. Viral infections associated with uveitis are herpes
simplex, herpes zoster and cytomegalo virus (CMV).
iii. Fungal uveitis is rare and may accompany systemic
aspergillosis, candidiasis and blastomycosis. It also
includes presumed ocular histoplasmosis syndrome.
iv. Parasitic uveitis is known in toxoplasmosis,
toxocariasis, onchocerciasis and amoebiasis.
V. Rickettsial uveitis may occur in scrub typhus and
epidemic typhus.
2. Immune related uveitis
mmune related uveitis is one of the commonest
oCcurrence in clinical practice. The complex subject
immune linked inflammation of uveal tissue is
following ways:
still not clearly understood. It may be caused by the

1. Microblal allergy. In this, primary source of infection
is somewhere else in the body and the escape of the
organisms or their products into the bloodstream
causes sensitisation of the uveal tissue with the
formation of antibodies. At a later date a renewal
of infection within the original focus may again cause
dissemination of the organisms or their products
(antigens); which on meeting the sensitised uveal
tissue excite an allergic inflammatory response.
Primary focus of infection can be a minute
tubercular lesion in the lymph nodes or lungs. Once
it used to be the most common cause of uveitis
worldwide, but now it is rare. However, in developing
countries like India, tubercular infections still play
an important role. Other sources of primary focus
are streptococcal and other infecions in the teeth,
paranasal sinuses, tonsils, prostate, genitals and
urinary tract.

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Computer Education

Computer education develops the knowledge, skill and experience of studee
regarding computer as well as ICT (information, communicatiom technotogy). In
other words, ICT education is a digital literacy program with valuable knnl-
edge and skills about computer and communication devices, software, applira-
tions and systems that are built with them. In the 21st century, an ability to work
with ICT is becoming as essential in every walk of life. Therefore, computer edu
cation is considered as basic skill to be taught to all students
Use of computer has been increased in every sector. Financial services,
industries, robotics, property management (control of heating, cooling, lighting
CCTV, electricity distribution) customer billing and smart meter-reading
systems, telecommunications, cable TV, education, research are based on com-
puter and their extensive use.
egovernance, m-banking, m-learning, m-governance are some examples of use
of computer and digital technology. Without the use of computer and ICTS, our
life seems to be impossible these days. Therefore, with the aim of familiarizing
and developing the positive knowledge, skills and attitudes on modern develop
ment of information technology, this subject has been included in the secondary
level curriculum (Grade 9 and 10) as optional subject. It is the foundation counse
for optional paper for grade 11 and 12. Though it is optional, it is compulsory in
practice in almost all schools because it contributes to make life happy and quali-
tative with ability to solve digital problems. This course covers basic knowledge
and skills on computer fundamentals, operating system, windows, concept of
webpage (HTML) and programming skills in QBASIC and introduction of C
KoseleePrakashan is one of the leading publications dedicated to quality
education through producing quality books. This series helps the students,
teachers and other interested learners in computer education. It is completely
updated and revised comprehensively on the basis of recent curriculum
approved by CDC/MOE, Government of Nepal. Adequate and relevant
pictures/charts, technical glossary, adequate and diverse exercise, as well as
flashbacks are some features of this edition. Serving of this edition has become
possible with the positive support, feedback and cooperation of thousands of
students, teachers, guardians and other stake holders. We appreciate any feed-
backs for the betterment of this series with valuable acknowledgement. Finally,
we would like to thank Mr. Subarna KC for his valuable inputs regarding thes
content editing. Simalarly, we are also grateful to Mr. Ramesh Maharjan for his
rigorous work as language editing of this series.
auenga lujua-a au

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Computer ethics

Computer ethics

Computer ethics is set of moral principles that govern the usage of computers.
One of the common issues of computer ethics is violation of copyright issues.
Duplicating the copyrighted content without the authors' approval, accessing
personal information of others are some of the examples that violate ethical
persales, Computer ethics is a new branch of ethics that is growing and changing
dly as computer technology also grows and develops. Computer ethics is a
Pn of moral standards or values used as guidelines for computer users. It is
ded to stop the current technological products from being exploited.
1.1. Need of Cyber Ethics
Why do we need computer ethics?
The growth of the WWW has created several novel legal issues.
The existence of new questions that older laws cannot answer.
Traditional laws are outdated in this world.
A more coherent body of law is needed to govern the Internet and
1.2. Responsible Behaviors Regarding Cyber Ethics
Do not use rude or offensive language.
Don't be a bully on the Internet.
Do not call people names, lie about them, send embarrassing pictures
of them, or do anything else to try to hurt them.
Do not copy information from the Internet and claim it as yours. That is
called plagiarism.
Adhere to copyright restrictions when downloading material including
software, games, movies or music from the Internet.
Do not break into someone else's computer.
Do not use someone else's password.
Do not attempt to infect or in any way try to make someone else's
computer unusable.

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My app Python Lab |2020| python programming app

Python Lab

Python lab is a python programming app where you can learn python and practice it in online compiler this app has content related to Python programming. This app is very useful for beginners or starters this app has many content. In this app you can get the following things:
  • E-book of Python (Tutorial points)
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  • YouTube contents in two different languages. (English and Hindi)
  • Sharing the app
  • Download Books.

This app supports version 4.4.4 which will work on many android phone around the globe.
This app contains very less ads so you will get proper learning environment.

Note: Python Lab requires Internet connection on the phone to work but you can download the E-books of python.

App credit: Casagbic (online platform where you can develop app without coding knowledge)
Hope you will like my creation.

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Sunday, 12 April 2020

How to concentrate on study and work?

How to concentrate on study and work?

According to some parents, a fourth-grade elementary school child should do his homework at 10 in the evening, and if he has a composition, it should be at 11 o'clock. Is there any way for children to complete their homework and rest early?

The best way is to allow children to focus on doing their homework, improving efficiency, and saving time.

When children do their homework, they like to touch here and play there. Sometimes they get up and drink, and then go to the toilet. In short, it is difficult to calm down. That way, you cannot focus on your homework.

One way to focus on homework is to set an alarm clock for your child to do their homework. Do homework for 25 minutes and take a 5 minute break every 25 minutes. The principle of this fixed alarm clock comes from the Pomodoro principle.

We use the "Tomato Work Method", a method to help you focus in less time. You can work in a focused and concise manner, focusing only on the process and not the outcome. "Poromodo" is a tomato in Italian — because the founder of the management system at the moment, Francesco Cirillo (Francesco Cirillo), invented the tomato-shaped timer in the 1980s, and got its name.
In Pomodoro technology, you need to set 25 minutes on the timer. The timer ticks and your countdown begins.

After setting the alarm clock, the child will learn to focus on studying, doing homework, and doing homework or studying.

You can raise objections, thinking that working under the countdown is very stressful. But researchers found some fascinating and intuitive phenomena. If you can study under mild pressure, you will be able to face more pressure more easily. Note the "pomodoro", a 25-minute work period instead of completing the task.

Twenty-five minutes is too short, and basically it is possible to maintain attention in such a short time. To allow the brain to catch problems, it is necessary to mobilize all the attention with the help of a concentration mode. After completing a brief period of work, you can leave your seat, drink a sip or go to the toilet, and rest for 5 minutes. After completing the four pomodoros, take a break of 20–30 minutes, i.e. the rest period is slightly longer.

Why take a break every 25 minutes? It is based on science. Barbara Oakley (Barbara Oakley) (USA) author "Learning of the Learning" stated that our brain has two different modes - focus mode and divergence mode. You will switch between the two modes and choose one.

Within 25 minutes of work time, the brain's concentration mode is at work.

The rest of the time is when the brain's deviation pattern is at work.

By the time you finish your work and stop for a breather, the deviation mode will take advantage of the situation, jump up and down, and find a solution. When you return to work after resting, you will find a solution that jumps out as a surprise, improving work efficiency.

For example, if you do math problems, you cannot do it through meditation. After taking a break or exercising in other subjects, allow the brain to work in an aberration mode, and then do it again. Probably will be.

You worked hard in the previous concentration mode, and then at a certain time, the unexpected solution from the deviation mode is like a divine initiation, and the aura emerges. The reason for this is that your deviation mode is still working in the background even during the pause.

If you do not rest for a long time, the deviation mode is suppressed, and the work capacity is not high.

This is how I work regularly.

I do not have a kitchen timer at home, so I use my cell phone alarm clock. I set a 25-minute countdown, and it turns on at one point, and it will ring.

The lesson preparation time is 25 minutes, and the efficiency is greatly improved. It takes about half of what it was last time. To review homework, two 25-minutes can typically review the English essays of 22 college students. In the past, they could only review one or a dozen.

I can also read regularly every day, set a time before reading every time, take a break when the time is up, and then continue reading or do any other work.

I still insist on writing every day. Wake up at 5:30 in the morning, set a pomodoro to write 25 minutes (usually more than 300 words), and then go to work.

If I write at other times, I also use Pomodoro to write regularly.

After I use Pomodoro to work or study regularly, my life and work are much easier and I am less worried.

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Sunday, 5 April 2020

Film Review "Rush": Gorilla, putting the whole world in danger

In Hollywood, if you have very stupid ideas, a movie, and a lot of money, you can call it The Rock. This is not an insult; This man is the biggest salesman in the industry. 200 pounds of oily muscle and oil-free lure, he can sell you what you think you don't want: Jumanji resumes, GI Joe and Earth Center tour sequel, Kevin Hart, Bevet ... Well, all feature films have their limitations. Chaos is a typical Johnson project. Based on video games without any story or characters to speak of, before many of their fans were born, it seemed like a terrible foundation for films. It is a bit much, but also very interesting.

Gorilla, Monkey, Animal, Overview, Furry
This very stupid film can actually provide more stupidity.

The initial crack occurred in 1986 when the game was very simple (you can move left and right, whether it is slamming or shooting or living on white dots and ghosts) and repeat. We are very happy. In rampage, players control one of the three giant monsters — a wolf, lizard, or gorilla — and try to destroy the city, and then the army can shoot them and turn them back into humans which they Apparently used to. Blasphemy religion, racy movies and no human has become a monster. Conversely, while trying to find a cure for cancer through "gene editing", scientists (not so) accidentally created a serum that transformed normal animals into angry giant monsters. In order to avoid being blindfolded by the government and others, those scientists who may have seen the Titanic hamsters eating at the city center are conducting their experiments in space. But things changed, the space station exploded, and several giant juice jars were sent to Earth. Two pieces of land in the forest and another land collided with the San Diego Zoo, and Davis Okoye (Johnson) worked with the gorillas. His favorite is a type of albinism called George, which is influenced by the serum and becomes huge and violent.

Splitting the plot is a waste of time as it is purely functional. It has no subtlety or art, and should not exist. This is a film about gorilla hits buildings. You do not want to hinder role work. When the villain (brothers and sisters arrogant Malin Akerman and Jake Lacey) said they needed to turn the radio antenna of their office building into a giant monster house, their technicians "modified it last night". Because who cares how they do it? Similarly, who is concerned about Naomi Harris' misplaced scientific role, used the thermostats found in refrigerators to destroy billions of dollars of technology companies because it is "all connected to the same grid"? The argument will only be slow. Those buildings will not defeat themselves.

When it comes to the architectural stamping part of the exhibition, there may be more. This very stupid film can actually provide more stupidity. Brad Peyton, Mad Rock's other director San Andreas, didn't completely put his tongue to his cheeks, he seemed shooting, deceptive and quiet at times. Johnson mostly used his eyebrows to flaunt his gimmicks, but he did not have widespread confidence in all films. They could be the villain camper, could the action sequences use some more visual gimmick to enjoy the ruthlessness of vain, and greedily want to grow up big gorillas, wolves, and lizards? Warner Bros. may have put Godzilla and King Kong on their giant sleeves, and maybe worried about stepping on those giant toes, but when it comes to the animals that have collapsed in the city, there will always be more space. Stampede is very silly fun, but not as big, as stupid and interesting.

Definitely absurd, but not as absurd as before. As much fun as the idea of ​​an animal stepping over the wreckage of the city, it seems difficult to go completely beyond the top, and it is poor.
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Wednesday, 1 April 2020

Chinese civilization :{The Remarkable civilization} -2020

Briefly on the origin of Chinese civilization

Chinese civilization can refer to all cultural achievements made by the Chinese people, including physical and spiritual achievements from ancient to modern times, of which Chinese people are the main parts of Chinese civilization. The Chinese civilization mentioned in this article refers to the national history (including non-gr

eat unity China and great unity China) of ancient and modern China, including oral history (so-called prehistory) and literary history, including origins and national Chinese. Nature of Civilization (It is also Shape).

Chinese civilization is one of the oldest and most stubborn human civilizations in the world. Chinese civilization is still the only ancient and young civilization that has continued since ancient times. Our firm culture and civilization have definite enlightenment and theory and road confidence in exploring the origins and development of Chinese civilization.

Juanyuan yellow emperor

1. Chinese civilization originated in ancient times of China

Chinese civilization is Chinese history. It originated in the ancient Chinese era, the mythological era of three emperors and five emperors. It has a history of more than 5,000 to 10,000 years, and the history of 9,000 years ago can also be attributed to ancient times.

"Or" from Chinese characters (Chinese characters)

That is to say, "country" can be considered the original meaning of the word that means the country of origin and composition is not complicated: it is composed of an original country armed population refers to the regional community of human destiny and protected by military means. Other elements that make up the country, such as the political center and political core and name characteristics of the country, the capital of the country, the size of the population and the composition of tribal and ethnic groups, the size of national boundaries and territory, the wealth, the level of social development, etc. important factors which do not factor initial element of the formation of national culture and development and progress.

The main reason Western mainstream academics did not recognize the existence of the Xia dynasty in Chinese civilization, and even the existence of the Chinese emperor Huangdi Empire, was because the relevant text is history and the capital, the ruins of the ancestral temple, and the large to date Bronzes were not awarded. I think it is confusing for the origin of the history of human civilization, it is to apply the standards of mature countries' primitive countries, and it ignores the culture of primitive countries.

Ancient Chinese era civilization is a blue line of Chinese mankind, which is difficult to develop. It is a new age civilization created by taking a leap of development from the ancient barbaric era. It is in the eastern part of Eurasia (made up of East Asia, Central Asia, North Asia, and South Asia) in Eastern and Eastern civilizations that originated and developed over vast continents and peninsulas. The primitive civilization of Chinese antiquity emerged gradually with the end of the Quaternary ice age and the flood period. It is similar to the geographical background created by the ancient Indus civilization, the ancient West Asian civilization and the ancient Egyptian indigo civilization. Jahn (later ancient Greek oceans, islands and palace civilizations, nomadic civilizations such as Persia and Mongolia were all-powerful secondary civilizations).

As the birthplace of the four civilizations of basic human ecology, Chinese ancient civilization has its own origins that could not begin in the Shang Dynasty, and its roots should continue to be traced. With the development of primitive agriculture and animal husbandry and the large increase in population, along with the continuous expansion of the number and scale of clan communes, tribes or villages, and tribal alliances, it is primarily a social tool that governs the relation of tribal alliances - Primitive countries have also emerged. From plateaus to mountains, from river basin plains to offshore peninsulas and coastal lowland areas, primitive nations based on tribes or tribal alliances spread to Chinese lands to protect the population and compete for space for survival and growth Huh.

The primitive country of China may have appeared during the period of the Three Emperors. The period of the three emperors was a long period of transition from the matriarchal clan society to matriarchal clan society about nine thousand to five thousand years ago. The period of the Three Emperors was not originally a period of unification of Chinese civilization but was a period of unification of Chinese civilization. The three emperors should not refer to the three emperors at all. Their representatives include Fuksi, Nuwa and Sennong. In addition, Emperor Suren, Emperor Zhu Rong, and the first emperor named are not unknown or passed down. This also suggests that in the civilizations of primitive democratic countries of China distributed throughout the country, the role of core political figures is no more important than that of slavery countries of later generations.

2. Basic Conditions for Ancient Chinese Civilization

Chinese ancient civilizations include three emperor civilizations and five emperor civilizations. They are ancient civilizations that emerged and developed during the Second Agricultural Revolution (Agriculture 2.0).

The first agricultural revolution was the age of the Paleolithic agricultural revolution.
The second era of the agricultural revolution was the Neolithic revolution and the popularization of settlement. The time when the hunting tribes evolved into nomadic tribes and developed into primitive nomadic countries bordering ancient civilization was much later than advanced agricultural civilizations, so nomadic civilizations are often later secondary civilizations. The first unification of the Neolithic agro-pastoral revolution was the rise of the Huangdi Empire, the first unification of Chinese civilization. With the arrival of the Xia Empire of slavery, the Neolithic civilization gradually gave way to the Bronze Age, the Third Agrarian Revolution, the Golden (copper) stone age came, and the ancient Chinese civilization entered the era of medieval slavery.

In addition to land, water, and sunlight, the state of pottery produced by the civilization of ancient China was Neolithic and wooden. Whether it is production equipment or war weapons, stone and wood (including bamboo) are the main tools. The idiom "lifting the pole" suggests that wooden sticks are not only fuel and production (hunting and farming) equipment but also the most primitive and common combat weapon. In the same way, unbreakable stones are also basic production and armed equipment. Wooden weapons are difficult to preserve for long, and even bamboo and wooden bow and arrow weapons are difficult to maintain. These primitive weapons also disappeared with the demise of a large number of primitive tribes and primitive countries. A peaceful method of the demise of the primitive country and a way to defeat it is to be forced into a more powerful civilization. In short, whether it is a strong progressive civilization or a weak and backward civilization, it has contributed to the development and prosperity of Chinese civilization.

Stone weapons were one of the main symbols of civilization in ancient Chinese nations. The stone weapon (one of the representatives of the Neolithic) consists mainly of Xi Ge, as well as Xi Yu, Xi Yong and Xi Spear. Among them, Shi Yu is rare and is also a symbol of power.

In short, the newly developed Neolithic agricultural civilization, including the use of stone and wooden weapons, is a physical condition produced by primitive democratic countries; The battle between tribal alliances is a social condition produced by primitive countries. During the chaotic period of frequent wars between the tribal alliance and the primitive country, the new leader of the Yanhuang tribal alliance, XuanYuan Huangdi, pursued the historical tendency and wishes of the people and stopped the war by defeating opponents such as Chiu. Realizing the first unification of Chinese civilization by adopting the Enlightenment method, Gongsun Xanyuan became the first emperor, and the Chinese Huangdi Primitive Democratic Empire was established. The Yellow Emperor Empire implemented a state system, which combined primitive centralization with regional tribal democratic autonomy, and Chinese civilization entered the age of the five ancient emperors.

From the time of the three emperors to the five emperors, many primitive countries emerged.
Talking about "two systems" in Tibetan national autonomy in New China
It is the general trend that socialist China leads to the progress of world civilization.

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Tuesday, 31 March 2020

Kung Fu : The art of revealing strength {Explained}

Kung fu

Kung fu in English is another name for "wushu" which appeared in China in the late Qing dynasty, which is mainly reflected in the application and achievement of martial arts.
The word Kung Fu has introduced to the then Chinese Taoist style of kung fu by Chinese missionaries in France two hundred years ago and spread to Europe. By the 1960s, the promotion of "Liang Ting Wing Chun" spread to more than 60 countries around the world, with the broadcast of Bruce Lee's Kung Fu films, and Hong Kong's famous Wing Chun boxer Liang Ting, Kung Fu, Wing Tsun And others spread around the world. Gradually spread.

Kung fu relationship
Martial arts, stopping GE as a martial art, fighting a battle. It is a guarantee of material civilization.
Martial arts, the technique of stopping GE and the techniques of ending wars are the guarantee and guidance of material civilization. Martial arts are reflected in national defense power and personal safety and defense. They have various forms of application and progress in different periods and locations.
Kung fu is another name for "martial arts" that appeared in China in the late Qing Dynasty. This is mainly reflected in the application and accomplishment of martial arts.

Skill characteristics
There are many fighting skills in the world and countless factions. But no other fighting skills like taekwondo, karate, boxing, etc. can be compared to kung fu. Because Kung Fu is not just a combat skill, but a spiritual culture.
Kung Fu appeared due to the suppression of the Qing dynasty and the blockade of iron objects, and the root of Kung Fu was its strong resistance to the rule of the ruler. 

Chinese Kung Fu, the cultural essence of the Chinese nation after thousands of years of war, is purely modernized, demonstrated and marginalized by modern Chinese people. It is mandatory training for all disciplined forces. Wing martial arts (such as Wing Chun) have been rapidly learned, spread and developed in many countries around the world. This is highly confirmed due to its philosophical meaning of "The Strength and Without Fighting".

Performance and competition
Kung fu is another name for "wushu", which is mainly reflected in the application and achievements of individuals in martial arts.
Chinese martial arts, upper martial arts, flat world; Zhongwu martial arts, peace of mind and body; Use of martial arts skills to prevent violations.
Chinese martial arts have a long history, and the history of Chinese civilization has 4200 years that can be verified so far. However, most of the women's understanding of Chinese martial arts today is limited to the definition of martial arts, which leads physicians to higher levels of protection, ignoring the core value of martial arts. Misconceptions of traditional Chinese martial arts are not conducive to the practice and spread of real Chinese martial arts.

Display source
Performing Arts, before the film was screened, it was mainly presented as a stage theater. The predecessor of Chinese drama was the Chinese Opera. The first song to use the word "opera" in history was Liuxuan (1240–1319), and then Yuan (1271–1368) Tao Zonggi of the South Village and Wei Liangfu of the Ming Dynasty. "South Say Say Zheng".
Because opera and drama are widely spread among people, and true martial arts have always been related to royal great mysteries, it is difficult for people to get a glimpse of true martial arts (full illustrations); And later, film art created "Chinese martial arts" and "Chinese kung fu", the widespread promotion of "wushu" in routines and performances created a preconception among the general public, modernizing the concept of Chinese martial arts Happened and routine.
However, among the people, there have always been groups that practice traditional Chinese martial arts. They still follow their traditional ethics of not performing and not competing. They are restrained and respected and are widely spread among Fox.

Competitive source
After World War II, the world used the "competitive sport" method to eliminate the remaining suffocation of World War II. In response to the international situation, New China developed competitive sports with the strength of the entire nation, allowing the Chinese to join the martial arts sport, and "developed" it as competitions and sports. However, the rules for the use of competitive sports promoted by the Olympic Spirit are very different from the original idea of ​​the Chinese traditional martial arts "prohibition for martial arts". Competition, and various concepts of martial arts including folk traditional kung fu, coexistence and existence.
Athletics is a social activity that is based on sports and aims to show sporting results. The game, in Japanese, comes from the word "game", comes from the 19th century, 70 years old, first appeared in the late Qing Dynasty in China at the end of the 20th century, operated by Hubei Pervasive for young children in kindergarten "Protection of the body healthy and vigorous," education policy and come. Competitive sport is a form of sport explained under the framework of modern Western anatomy. It cannot cover the comprehensive improvement of practitioners in terms of energy, energy and spirit other than the body, which is included in traditional Chinese martial arts. There is not a single form of sports for traditional Chinese martial arts, nor is there any traditional sport in China. (On 7 July 2009, the new concept of "traditional games" created by the General Administration of Sports of China based on game concepts cannot provide any traditional cultural context. [[7]); On March 19, 2015, Chen Guorong, deputy director of the Wushu Sports Management Center of China's General Administration of Sport, re-combined martial arts with the definition of a relationship, after extensive elaboration on the history and social status of Chinese martial arts. Restoration in the Games: Chinese martial arts not only incorporate a variety of sports forms in the Western Games, but also have unique oriental traditional sports forms, deep thinking and a strong culture. From this point of view, Chinese martial arts is not a part of the game, but is a superior concept of the game.

for example
Wing Chun, Dragon's Promise, Dragon's Eighteen Palms, Fengshen Legs, Paiyun Palm, Tianshuangquan, Tiger and Crane Double Shape, Snake Crane Eight Steps, Snake Shape, Dragon Claw, Tiger Claw, and Great Eagle Claw, Drunk Eight Immortal. , Cross Fist, Huo Family Knife, Zhao Family Gun, Bafang Tibetan Knife Style, Soul Hunting Sword, Dugu Nine Sword, Dafa Sumoner, Jiuin Zhenjing, Jiuang Divine Work, Taiji Divine Work, Sunflower Treasure, Dispel Evil Sword Technique, Gixia Magic Skills, Rushing Sword Technique, Orchid Whisring, Snow Mountain Camel Palm, Volcano Wand, Crazy Wand, Goro Gossip Stick, Shaolin Wuxing St A, Tizu Shenquan, Luoying God Scorp Palm, Jade Xiao Sword Technique, Finger-Stretching Magical Power, One-Young Finger, Gold-Steel Finger, One-Finger Zen, Shaolin Tongzi Gong, Six-Pulse Divine Sword, Lingbo Micro-Step , Magical Variations, Strong King Kong Method, Prangong Gong, Xiao Wuxiang Gong, Yi Sutra, Shaolin Seventy-Two Stunts, Star Picker, Butterfly Pi Ring Seventy-Two Styles, Jeet Kune Do, Seventy-two road catchers, threety-six road catchers, Liouhe and Bahuang We Only Exalted Merits, Tianshan Zmei Hand, Tashan Liuyang Palm, Being Divine Gong, Xiaoyao Divine Gong, Dafa, Falaf, Falgun. Dafa, Golden Needle, Unstoppable Lame, Nantian Sword, Mystery of the Moving Flowers, Xuanin Magic, Yu Family Martial Arts, Yu Family Boxing, Yu Yu Hammer Method, Guan Yun's Long Sword Method, Jinji Boxing, Tongbei Boxing, Long Boxing, Shadow Non-Legged, Boneless Palms, Diwanquan, Tod Boxing, Congenital Skills, Kongmingkan, Left and Right Interaction, Dahongquan, Zaohongquan, Dzuik Zan, Xiaozikan, Nanquan, Xuyuan Gong, Qianqun Movement, Seven Hurt Fist, Dragon Elephant Prajana, Black Sword, Nosy Gossip, Eight Diagrams Palm, Octagon Boxing, Boxer Boxing, Lost Boxing, Chinese Martial Arts Sanda, Chinese Wrestling, Jinji Boxing, Rice Boxing Boxing, Pace Foot Fanji Boxing, Eight Diagram Palm, Eighth Boxing ng, Chaquan, Da Beiquan, Emei Iron Arms, Vajrayana, Huaquan, Linqingtan Legs, Weapon Boxing, Three Emperor Cannonball, Taijiquan, M antis Boxing, Tong Arm Boxing, Yi Boxing, Shaolin Twelve Road Tan feet and so on.

Kung fu history sheet
Shaolin Kung Fu is one of the famous martial arts schools in China. It has a long history and deep influence, and is an important part of Chinese traditional martial arts. "Shaolin Boxing" and "Shaolin Stick" occupy an important page in the history of Chinese martial arts.
Shaolin Kungfu originated from the ancient Songlin Shaolin Temple and was christened. The Songshan Shaolin Temple is located under the Wurufeng of Songshan Shaoshi in Dengfeng County, Henan Province. It was established in the Northern and Southern Dynasties of the Northern and Southern Dynasties during the Northern and Southern Dynasties (1945). It was built by Emperor Shyowen to settle the Indian monk Poppy, who came to Songgu to preach.
After the chairmanship of Master Tu Tu in the Shaolin Temple, scholars from all directions heard the wind, and there were hundreds of disciples. In this way, a large number of folk martial artists have mixed service to the Shaolin Temple. When Tuo Tuo presided over the Shaolin Temple, some young children who could learn martial arts or other skills were shaved as young monks in the Shaolin Temple. A monk-like Huiguang, when he was twelve years old, killed the mule on the fine rail of Chengtian Street in Luoyang. He was able to kick five hundred times in a row. But Tutu was surprised, so he shaved her as a small monk as his disciple... Post's disciples and monks were weak and physically weak, often teased by some young monks who could learn martial arts, and later practiced martial arts. Post-Master Zen made great contributions to the construction of the Shaolin Temple, the translation of Buddhist scriptures and the teaching of religion.
It is said that Emperor Xiaoming of the Northern Wei Dynasty, three years (527 AD), came to the Songlin Shaolin Temple to teach Buddhist Zen, an Indian monk, faced the wall for nine years, meditated and then as the first ancestor Came from Chinese Buddhist Zen. At that time, Dharma was meditating throughout the day, and it was inevitable that her bones and bones were tired. Also, in the old forest in the mountains, he had to be protected from animals and the fierce cold and heat. When he passed through scripture, he found that many disciples had been meditating for a long time, meditation, drowsiness and lack of energy. To relieve exhaustion, to stop animals, to stay fit, and to protect the temple, Dharma and others followed various physical exercises of ancient Chinese working people and to teach monks the "live method for fitness activities" "organized. It is the prototype of "Shaolin Boxing". In addition, Dharma practiced, in his spare time, using a shovel, stick, sword, stick and other anti-theft defenders, which he later called dharma shovel, dharma stick, dharma sword. Later, he sucked the birds. , Animals, insects, flying fish, leap, and developed "living method", creating a set of eighteen Luohan combined dynamic and static. Later, after a long period of practice, synthesis, enrichment, and improvement by monks of all eras, a set of boxing techniques were gradually created, reaching over one hundred variants. The martial arts were collectively called "Shaolin Boxing". Among them, Bai Yuefeng, Master Xiyuan, Li Xie, and others who played an important role in the Shaolin School in the Yuan Dynasty, carefully studied the methods of Shaolin boxing, focusing on the organization and teaching of boxing methods and teaching "18 Luohan ". Eighteen Hands in Shaolin Boxing ”. For seventy-two moves, and later developed to one hundred and seventy-three, a set of Shaolin boxing was first systematically resolved.

In the late Sui and early Tang dynasties, the monastery of the Shaolin Temple selected strong, brave and accomplished or boxing fighters from the monks and organized a special team to protect the temple's safety. Initially, their mission was to protect the temple. Later, the monks of the temple participated in political activities, and the temple raised monks and soldiers to become monks. The objective position required martial arts to develop into a form of marvelous martial art and began the organized and strict training of monks and soldiers to practice sticks. Every morning, morning light and morning light, monks learn from the same practice, winter training three nine, summer training three volts, practicing hard martial arts continuously for many years, has made a great in the development and improvement of Shaolin Has played a role martial arts.
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Sunday, 29 March 2020

Refrigerator-Explained - {2020}


A Refrigerator is a type of appliance that maintains a low temperature by keeping food or other items at a constant low temperature to avoid spoilage. In the ancient refrigerator, the tin cover was hung inside. There were small holes at the bottom of the box. One of the two cover plates was fixed at the mouth of the box. Modern refrigerators have compressors, cabinets, or boxes that are used by ice makers to freeze, and storage boxes with refrigeration equipment.
The volume of a household refrigerator is typically 20 to 500 liters. In 1910, the world's first compression-type refrigerator for domestic use appeared in the United States. In 1925 the Swedish company Lido developed a domestic absorption refrigerator. In 1927 General Electric of the United States developed a fully enclosed refrigerator. In 1930, air-cooled continuous diffusion absorption refrigerators with different heating methods were put on the market. In 1931, a new refrigerant Freon was successfully developed. 12. Domestic thermoelectric refrigerators began to be produced in the late 1950s and China started production of refrigerators in the 1950s.

Historical origin
Human beings already know that keeping food at low temperature reduces the risk of spoilage. In the Shang Dynasty (17th century BCE to 11th century BCE), China had learned to use ice to keep food cold. The "Book of the Week" records ancient refrigerators, called Xingjian. "Zhou Li · Tian Guan · Ling Ren" Record: "The beginning of spring is the rule of Xian, where the shame of the outside and the inside is the same, and the wine of the wine is the same. The sacrifices are shared. The snow and the guests by the ice. Shared. "" Works such as a vase with small vase, largemouths of sheng bing, and keeping food in Royal hot air. " 2000 years BC, ancient Babylon in West Asia and tigress ancient inhabitants of the basin have also started using ice frozen meat. In the Middle Ages, original refrigerators that housed pieces of ice in specially made water or stone shelves to preserve food appeared in many countries. By the 1850s, such refrigerators were still available in the United States.

Development Process

"Vueau Spring and Autumn" also recorded: "Gojian also travels, relaxes and eats at Ice Cook." The "ice cooks" described here are used to store ancient people
Ancient refrigerator
Ancient refrigerator
A house that holds food is a place where food is served in summer. [1-2]
In the Tang dynasty, people learned to make artificial ice, and the method of obtaining ice is no longer limited to the weather. The pattern of ice products has gradually increased. There are businessmen specializing in ice products on the market. They also added sugar to the ice. attract customers. During the production of gunpowder, people produced a lot of saltpeter and found that the saltpeter absorbed a lot of heat when dissolved in water, which could cause the water to cool to freeze, and people could make ice in summer.
In the Song Dynasty, apart from drinking cold wine, you can also eat a variety of cold drinks. Cold drinks are more diverse in the market, and there are more cold drink shops in the night market. Popular cold drinks include "Bingxue Liquorice Soup", "Snow Soybean Water", and "Lishui Lychee Cream". Song Suzanne's "Yuanou Three Years Dragon Boat Festival Posts, Empress Dowager Pavilion" Part Three: "The Water Palace Open the Ice Book, and Jade Pot Frozen Jade Pot." Jian one. It is a sacrifice today, and the heat of summer, please match the sacrificial condition and increase the number of snow. "[3]
During the Ming and Qing dynasties, iced foods were already flooding the streets, and during the midsummer season there were many hawkers selling "cold water" along the road. In folk, it is also popular for eating lotus seed soup in the ferry, which is said to be capable of nourishing the spleen. In the Qing Dynasty, there were specialists who would carry snowflakes from the basement and hide in the cellar in 39 days to meet the demands of royal members and dignitaries for the use of ice when summer arrived.
The term "refrigerator" entered the West only in the American language in the mid-17th century. With the development of the city, snow sales have evolved gradually. It is slowly looking for inns, hotels, hospitals, and some city dealers for meat, fish and preservation. After the Civil War (1861–1865), ice was used in refrigerated trucks, and it also entered civilian use. By 1880, half the refrigerators sold in New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore were already in use in homes. Similar products also have a freezer.
Creating an efficient refrigerator is not as easy as we think. In the early 19th century, the knowledge of the inventors of thermo physics, which was important for refrigeration science, was underdeveloped. In the West, people thought that the best refrigerators should stop the melting of ice, and such a very common view at the time was clearly wrong, as it was the melting of ice that played a cooling role. In the early days, a lot of effort was made to conserve ice, including wrapping it in blankets so that ice would not play its part. It was not until the end of the 19th century that the inventors succeeded in finding the precise balance of insulation and circulation required for the efficient refrigerator.
But in the early 1800s, an inventive Maryland farmer, Thomas Moore, found the right way. He owns a farm about 20 miles from Washington, where Georgetown is the center of the village market. When he used the refrigerator to deliver the butter to the market, he found that customers would quickly pass the melting butter into competitors' buckets and buy them at a price higher than the market price. He was still fresh and stiff, neatly cut into a pound of butter. One of the benefits of its fridge, Mohr said, is that farmers do not need to go to the market at night to keep their products cool.
In 1822, Faraday, a famous British physicist, discovered that carbon dioxide, ammonia, chlorine and other gases would liquefy under pressure, and become a gas when the pressure was lowered. In the process of changing from liquid to gas, a large amount of heat will be absorbed, causing the surrounding temperature to drop rapidly. Faraday's discovery provided a theoretical basis for later inventions of artificial refrigeration technologies such as compressors. The first artificial refrigeration compressor was invented in 1851 by Harrison. Harrison is the owner of Australian "Geelong Advertising". While cleaning the typeface with ether, they found that ether has a strong cooling effect on the metal. Ether is a fluid with a low boiling point and is prone to endothermic evaporation. Harrison researched and produced a freezer using ether and a refrigerator pressure pump, and applied it to a brewery in Victoria, Australia, and to cool during winemaking.

In 1873, German chemist and engineer Karl von Linde invented ammonia as a refrigerant. Linde uses a small steam engine to run the compression system, causing ammonia to be repeatedly compressed and evaporated to produce refrigeration. Linde first applied his invention to the Sedumer brewery in Wiesbaden to design and manufacture an industrial refrigerator. Later, he reformed the industrial refrigerator. Shortened to this, in 1879 the world's first artificially crafted domestic refrigerator was built. This steam-powered refrigerator was quickly put into production, and by 1891, 12,000 units had been sold in Germany and the United States.
The first refrigerator to use a motor to use a compressor was invented in 1923 by Swedish engineers Brighton and Mendes. Later, an American company bought his patent and built the first domestic refrigerator in 1925. In the first refrigerator, the electric compressor and refrigerator were separated. The latter was usually placed in the family floor kiln or storage room, and connected via a pipe to an electric compressor. Prior to the 1930s, most refrigerators used in refrigerators were not safe, such as ether, ammonia, sulfuric acid, etc., or they were flammable, corrosive, or irritant. Later, he starts searching for a safe chill and finds Fron. Freon is a non-toxic, non-corrosive, non-combustible fluorine compound. It soon became a refrigerant for various refrigeration equipment and has been in use for over 50 years. But people also found that Freon has a harmful effect on the ozone layer of the Earth's atmosphere. So people started looking for new and better refrigerants.

Working Principle

According to various classifications of refrigerators, according to the statistical analysis of the "2013-2017 China Refrigerator Industry Market Outlook and Investment Opportunities Analysis Report", there are nine types of working principles:
1) Compression type refrigerator: This type of refrigerator is provided with mechanical energy by an electric motor, and the compressor works on the refrigeration system. The refrigeration system is based on the principle of low boiling point refrigerant, which absorbs heat during evaporation and evaporation. Its advantages are long life and easy usage. 91 ~ 95% of refrigerators in the world belong to this category. Common refrigerators use a refrigerant called R600 refrigerant as a hot "porter", "transferring" the hot in the refrigerator to the outside of the refrigerator.
2) Absorption refrigerators: This type of refrigerator can use heat sources (such as gas, kerosene, electricity, etc.) as electricity. The use of ammonia – water – hydrogen mixed solutions achieves the purpose of refrigeration in the continuous absorption – diffusion process. Its disadvantages are low efficiency and slow cooling, which are gradually eliminated.
3) Semiconductor Refrigerator: It is a refrigerator that realizes refrigeration by using the principle of applying direct current on a PN semiconductor to produce a Peltier effect at a node.
4) Chemical refrigerator: It is a refrigerator that uses strong absorption of heat when certain chemical substances are dissolved in water to achieve the cooling effect.
5) Electromagnetic Vibration Refrigerator: It is a refrigerator that uses an electromagnetic vibration machine to run the compressor. Its principle and structure are basically similar to compression refrigerators.
6) Solar Refrigerator: This refrigerator uses solar energy as a refrigerant.
7) Refrigerated adiabatic refrigerator.
8) Radiation refrigeration refrigerator.
9) Solid refrigeration refrigerator.


There are many types of refrigerators that are usually classified according to the type of cooling, use, climate, form and method of cooling.
Classification of internal cooling

Forced-circulation air conditioner: also known as an intercooler (air-cooled) refrigerator or without freezing. There is a small fan in the refrigerator to make the airflow in the box, so the temperature in the box is uniform, the cooling rate is high, and the use is convenient. However, due to the defrosting system, energy consumption is slightly higher and manufacturing is relatively complicated.

Natural air convection: also known as a direct refrigerator or freezer. The freezer is directly surrounded by the evaporator, or the evaporator is in the freezer. In addition, an evaporator is provided at the top of the refrigerator compartment. directly absorbs heat for cooling. This type of refrigerator has a relatively simple design and low power consumption, but its temperature inefficiency is slightly worse, which makes its use relatively uncomfortable.
Compulsory circulation of air conditioning and natural convection: mainly new types of refrigerators are used, mainly taking into account the advantages of both refrigerators with wind and direct cooling.

Use classification
Refrigerator: at least one compartment of this type of refrigerator is a refrigerator compartment, which is used to store products that do not need to be frozen, and their temperature must be kept above 0 ° C. However, this type of refrigerator may have a refrigerator compartment, an ice compartment, a compartment for storing frozen foods and a greenhouse for ice, but it does not have a freezer compartment.

Refrigerator with a freezer: this type of refrigerator has at least one compartment as a refrigerator compartment and one compartment as a freezer compartment.

Freezer: At least one refrigerator of this type is a freezer, and can store food in accordance with the rules. There may be a storage room for frozen food.
Climatic and environmental classification
Divided into sub-moderate (SN), moderate (N), subtropical (ST), tropical (T).
Moderate temperature zone (SN), suitable ambient temperature: 10 ℃ ℃ 32 ℃;
Temperate zone (N), suitable ambient temperature: 16  ℃~ 32 ℃;
Subtropical type (ST), ambient temperature suitable use: 18 ℃  ~ 38 ℃;
Tropical type (T), ambient temperature suitable use: 18 ℃ ~ 43 ℃.

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Sunday, 22 March 2020

Solar System (EXPLAINED)

The solar system

The solar system has a radius of 150 light-years. The state of the solar system is the scattered stars in the Milky Way, called local interstellar clouds. It is an interstellar medium that is shaped like an hourglass. Gas is dense and stars are rare. The diameter is about 300 light-years. This region is called the local galactic bubble.

The solar system is located in the Milky Way, known as the Milky Way (a 200 light-year-old spiral-forbidden spiral galaxy, with more than 200 billion stars, as spiral galaxies). Our Sun lies on the spiral arm on the periphery of the Milky Way, known as the Orion armor local arm. The Sun is 25,000 to 28,000 light-years from the center of the Milky Way and the speed in the Milky Way is about 220 km / s. Therefore, it would take about 225 to 250 million years to orbit the Milky Way. This revolutionary cycle is called the Galaxy of the Year.
The first discovery of the solar system was commissioned by a telescope when astronomers first began mapping these dim objects that were invisible to the naked eye.

Galileo was the first astronomer to find a description of the objects of the solar system. He found the crater of the moon, the sunlight on the surface of the sun and Jupiter surrounded by four moons. Huygens followed Galileo's discovery and discovered the shape of Saturn's moon Titan and Saturn's rings. After this Cassini found the four moons of Saturn, the Cassini seam of the ring of Saturn, the great red spot of Jupiter.
The Milky Way is a forbidden spiral galaxy with a diameter of about 100,000 light-years, consisting of 100 billion to 400 billion stars. The sun is a typical star of the Milky Way, located on a branched cantilever Orion arm. It is 26,100 light-years away from the center of the Milky Way. The speed of the solar system around the center of the Milky Way is about 240 systems, and it is about 226 million years.

Almost all of the eight major planets in the solar system are in nearly circular orbits in the same plane and revolve around the Sun in the same direction. Except for Venus, the rotation and revolution directions of other planets are the same. Comet orbits around Japan are mostly the same, most of which are elliptical orbits, and usually have relatively long orbital periods.

: In addition to the solar system, the universe also has the Milky Way. There are many similar astronomical systems outside the Milky Way, called extragalactic galaxies, often called galaxies. Currently, 100 billion galaxies have been observed, and scientists estimate that there are at least 2 trillion galaxies in the universe. Galaxies are divided into groups, called galaxy clusters. TheMilky They are big. Milky Way is the galaxy to which the Earth and the Sun belong. The Milky Way is the star system in which the solar system is located. It contains 120 billion stars and a large number of star clusters, nebulae, and a variety of interstellar gases and interstellar dust.

The solar system we are in now is the stellar system. It consisted of the Sun, eight large planets (originally nine planets, as Pluto was removed as a dwarf planet), 66 satellites (the original 67, Pluto's satellites were removed), and countless asteroids, comets and There are meteorites. The order of the planets from the Sun is: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. Mars close to Mercury, Venus, Earth and Sun are called terrestrial planets. The spacecraft has detected them all, and landed on Mars and Venus with significant results. Their common features are high density (> 3.0 g / cm3), small volume, slow rotation, some satellites, internal components predominantly silicate, and they have a solid shell. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune from the Sun are called Jovan planets. They all have very rough atmospheres, and their surface characteristics are difficult to understand. Generally, they have the same solid cores as all terrestrial planets. Between Mars and Jupiter, there are more than 1,000,000 asteroids (that is, a body composed of irregular asteroid rocks). It is speculated that they may have formed from the fragmentation of a planet located between Mars and Jupiter, or some stone fragments that failed to accumulate as a unified planet. Meteorites exist between planets and are made of stone or iron. These planets revolve in elliptical orbits around the Sun, although Mercury is very close to the circle. Planetary orbits are more or less on the same plane (known as the ecliptic plane and based on the Earth's orbital plane). The ecliptic plane is only 7 degrees from the solar equator. Pluto's orbit is mostly away from the ecliptic plane with an inclination of 17 degrees. The chart above shows the relative size and relationship of each track from a specific point of view above the ecliptic plane (non-circular events are evident). They are rotating in the same direction (counterclockwise from the sun's north pole), so the scientists excluded Pluto from the nine planets. The direction of rotation is the same except for Venus and Uranus. Although it is only a small and medium-sized star, its mass accounts for 99% of the total mass of the solar system. 85%; The remaining mass includes planets and their satellites, planetary rings, as well as asteroids, comets, Kuiper Belt objects, Neptune objects, theoretical Oort Clouds, interplanetary dust, gases, and particles. Interstellar Matter. The total surface area of ​​all celestial bodies in the entire solar system is approximately 1.7 billion square kilometers. The Sun tightly controlled all the celestial bodies of the Solar System by their strong gravitational force, which they orbit in a systematic manner. At the same time, the Sun moves all the members of the Solar System around the center of the galaxy. So far eight major planets have been discovered in the solar system. They are sometimes called "eight planets". There are eight major planets by distance from the Sun: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune. Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars are also called terrestrial planets, Jupiter and Saturn are also called giant planets, and Uranus and Neptune are also called distant planets. Except for Mercury and Venus, other planets have moons. There are hundreds of thousands of asteroids of varying sizes and shapes between Mars and Jupiter. Astronomers call the region an asteroid belt. In addition, there are more than 1,000 comets in the solar system, as well as countless small objects such as dust, ice clusters and fragments. Each celestial body in the solar system is mainly composed of hydrogen, helium, neon and other gases, ice (water, ammonia, methane) and rocks that contain elements such as iron, silicon, and magnesium. Planets like Earth, Earth, Moon, Mars, Jupiter and some satellites and asteroids are mainly made up of rocks; Jupiter and Saturn are primarily composed of hydrogen and helium, and their cores may be rocks or ice. The Galaxy is the Milky Way galaxy to which the Earth and the Sun belong.

 The Milky Way is vortex-shaped, with four spiral-shaped spiral arms that extend evenly and symmetrically from the center of the Milky Way. The center of the galaxy and the four spiral arms are dense with stars. From a distance, the Milky Way is like a big discus for physical exercise. The diameter of the larger discus is 100,000 light-years, which is equivalent to 94608 billion kilometers. The thickest part in the middle is about 3000–6500 light-years. About 33,000 light-years from the center of the Milky Way, the Sun is on a spiral arm called the Orion Arm. The discovery of the Milky Way has gone through a long process.

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Saturday, 21 March 2020

What is Love?

Love is selfless dedication and giving, including physical, emotional and acting forms. Lovers have friends, and those who love are wide. Love is inherent, so it can be considered a quality of nature. In other words, love is one of the essays that a person should have. Although cultural differences between the countries of the world make it difficult to clarify the definition of universal love

But this is not impossible. Love of soul or soul in love, love for law and organization, love for oneself, love for food, love for money, love for learning, love for power, love for prestige and love of others can be endless. Different people value the love that they accept in a different way. Love is essentially an abstract concept that can be experienced but is difficult to speak of.

Over refers to the affection that people like to reach deeper levels and then pay for it. It refers to the satisfaction and happiness that man gives or consciously expects.

Love is positive energy emanating from the human spirit. This means that a person actively or consciously nurtures oneself, takes care of them or meets certain human needs that other individuals cannot independently achieve. Which includes ideology, spiritual experience, behavioral state, material needs, etc. The foundation of love is respect. Therefore, love is a kind of feeling from the heart, and it is a sincere affection for something from one person to another person or person. This ongoing process of love is a process of love. It is more common between people or between people and things. Love is a class of identity and love. Different levels of love correspond to different levels of emotions or consequences. Love is not jealousy. Do not talk shy. Do not ask you well it is not easy to get angry. Do not count the evil of man. To bear injustice like the truth Tolerance in all things Believe everything Hope in all things. Bear everything Love never ends. Often said in TV series, it is not necessary to love someone, as long as he is happy. Most parents' love for their children is selfless, and does not require any withdrawal. Some parents are filled with their love for their children, reaching the point of a bind, but this is the wrong love. There are still some loves that are perverted love, and "I can't get it, others don't want to get it" is an expression of unusual love. There are many things like turning enemies into love and hating because of love.

If you love someone, you should take responsibility for it, and do not play half-heartedly. To love him, care for him, protect him and make him better. If you say in front of him that you love him but are messing with other people behind, or you use him as your spare tire, then these are all irresponsible.

It is love when it is loud, but it is also loved when it is ordinary. The concept of love is becoming more and more blurred. Love should have mutual respect, trust, understanding, tolerance, and the loss of emotional trust sometimes leads to disrespect for each other. The understanding has not changed as before and tolerance has also halved. It's not easy to complete.

It is commonly believed that love refers to the satisfaction and happiness that humans actively or consciously expect. It refers to the consciousness, care, or satisfaction of some human needs that others cannot achieve independently on their own or in a certain way. Which includes ideology, spiritual experience, behavior status, material needs and so on. Honor is the basis of love. The essence of love is to give it unconditionally, not to ask for and receive it. Therefore, love is a feeling from the heart, and it is right for some people to have feelings of honesty of people or people. The continuous process of this feeling is also a process of love. It is often seen between people or between people and things. Love is a higher level of identity and love, and different levels of love correspond to different levels of emotions or consequences.

Interacting with each other without love is not all sweet. you always want to give you the best, more than anything in his mind. , Sometimes even injustice itself.

True love is a type of caring and caring for the heart. There are no grand words, no propaganda, only you can feel in every word and deed. He was plain and firm. Conversely, swearing and promising reflect the uncertainty of practice, and never believe sweet words. Feel it with your heart. 

When you fall in love with a person, one thing, one thing, even if there are many difficulties, things you are not willing to face, they cannot stop themselves.

Even if there is no return, no return, none is complete, there will be no regret in my heart, much love, and forgiveness in return.

The worst thing in life is to forgive, and the worst thing is remorse. But love can solve everything, love in the heart can forgive everything, and love in the heart, why regret it?

The people you meet, the things you do, the opportunities, the opportunities, the interviews, turn into a journey, life is short, the person who loves the extreme, thanks for everything.

Love is to use everything to be good for him. Love has to end, so bear it. She wants to do everything. Love is not allowed to do injustice to its love. Love is for him to give up everything. She wants to do everything to make her love good. He has to be safe in every situation. Love is everything. She is thinking about love. She does not want to fight or scold. She just fills him with wonder every day.
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