Computer ethics
Computer ethics is set of moral principles that govern the usage of computers.
One of the common issues of computer ethics is violation of copyright issues.
Duplicating the copyrighted content without the authors' approval, accessing
personal information of others are some of the examples that violate ethical
persales, Computer ethics is a new branch of ethics that is growing and changing
dly as computer technology also grows and develops. Computer ethics is a
Pn of moral standards or values used as guidelines for computer users. It is
ded to stop the current technological products from being exploited.
1.1. Need of Cyber Ethics
Why do we need computer ethics?
The growth of the WWW has created several novel legal issues.
The existence of new questions that older laws cannot answer.
Traditional laws are outdated in this world.
A more coherent body of law is needed to govern the Internet and
1.2. Responsible Behaviors Regarding Cyber Ethics
Do not use rude or offensive language.
Don't be a bully on the Internet.
Do not call people names, lie about them, send embarrassing pictures
of them, or do anything else to try to hurt them.
Do not copy information from the Internet and claim it as yours. That is
called plagiarism.
Adhere to copyright restrictions when downloading material including
software, games, movies or music from the Internet.
Do not break into someone else's computer.
Do not use someone else's password.
Do not attempt to infect or in any way try to make someone else's
computer unusable.