Sunday, 12 April 2020

How to concentrate on study and work?

How to concentrate on study and work?

According to some parents, a fourth-grade elementary school child should do his homework at 10 in the evening, and if he has a composition, it should be at 11 o'clock. Is there any way for children to complete their homework and rest early?

The best way is to allow children to focus on doing their homework, improving efficiency, and saving time.

When children do their homework, they like to touch here and play there. Sometimes they get up and drink, and then go to the toilet. In short, it is difficult to calm down. That way, you cannot focus on your homework.

One way to focus on homework is to set an alarm clock for your child to do their homework. Do homework for 25 minutes and take a 5 minute break every 25 minutes. The principle of this fixed alarm clock comes from the Pomodoro principle.

We use the "Tomato Work Method", a method to help you focus in less time. You can work in a focused and concise manner, focusing only on the process and not the outcome. "Poromodo" is a tomato in Italian — because the founder of the management system at the moment, Francesco Cirillo (Francesco Cirillo), invented the tomato-shaped timer in the 1980s, and got its name.
In Pomodoro technology, you need to set 25 minutes on the timer. The timer ticks and your countdown begins.

After setting the alarm clock, the child will learn to focus on studying, doing homework, and doing homework or studying.

You can raise objections, thinking that working under the countdown is very stressful. But researchers found some fascinating and intuitive phenomena. If you can study under mild pressure, you will be able to face more pressure more easily. Note the "pomodoro", a 25-minute work period instead of completing the task.

Twenty-five minutes is too short, and basically it is possible to maintain attention in such a short time. To allow the brain to catch problems, it is necessary to mobilize all the attention with the help of a concentration mode. After completing a brief period of work, you can leave your seat, drink a sip or go to the toilet, and rest for 5 minutes. After completing the four pomodoros, take a break of 20–30 minutes, i.e. the rest period is slightly longer.

Why take a break every 25 minutes? It is based on science. Barbara Oakley (Barbara Oakley) (USA) author "Learning of the Learning" stated that our brain has two different modes - focus mode and divergence mode. You will switch between the two modes and choose one.

Within 25 minutes of work time, the brain's concentration mode is at work.

The rest of the time is when the brain's deviation pattern is at work.

By the time you finish your work and stop for a breather, the deviation mode will take advantage of the situation, jump up and down, and find a solution. When you return to work after resting, you will find a solution that jumps out as a surprise, improving work efficiency.

For example, if you do math problems, you cannot do it through meditation. After taking a break or exercising in other subjects, allow the brain to work in an aberration mode, and then do it again. Probably will be.

You worked hard in the previous concentration mode, and then at a certain time, the unexpected solution from the deviation mode is like a divine initiation, and the aura emerges. The reason for this is that your deviation mode is still working in the background even during the pause.

If you do not rest for a long time, the deviation mode is suppressed, and the work capacity is not high.

This is how I work regularly.

I do not have a kitchen timer at home, so I use my cell phone alarm clock. I set a 25-minute countdown, and it turns on at one point, and it will ring.

The lesson preparation time is 25 minutes, and the efficiency is greatly improved. It takes about half of what it was last time. To review homework, two 25-minutes can typically review the English essays of 22 college students. In the past, they could only review one or a dozen.

I can also read regularly every day, set a time before reading every time, take a break when the time is up, and then continue reading or do any other work.

I still insist on writing every day. Wake up at 5:30 in the morning, set a pomodoro to write 25 minutes (usually more than 300 words), and then go to work.

If I write at other times, I also use Pomodoro to write regularly.

After I use Pomodoro to work or study regularly, my life and work are much easier and I am less worried.
